Do you want your high schooler in a school where they are challenged and set up for success in their adult life, professional work, and the college experience? Nehemiah Enrichment Academy is the solution!
Our principal, Dr. Trina Moore, shares about NEA's AMAZING high school program!
At NEA, 100% of high school students will:
The NEA Hybrid Academy is for scholars in grades 9-12. High school scholars in the hybrid academy may participate in the traditional high school graduation track or the early college track. To qualify for acceptance to attend the virtual academy scholars must be in one of the following categories:
1. Live outside of a 15 mile radius of the school's physical location.
2. Have a documented disability requiring home care.
3. Full-time onsite vacancies are no longer available.
Scholars in grades 9-12 who are committed and willing to do the work to graduate high school prepared for college.
Scholars will have access to hundreds of courses to choose from. Scholars receive asynchronous (independent assignments) and synchronous (online instruction with teacher) instruction. Each course is taught and graded with a certified teacher. All courses are aligned to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and meet North Carolina graduation requirements.